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About dbt docs commands

dbt docs has two supported subcommands: generate and serve.

dbt docs generate

The command is responsible for generating your project's documentation website by

  1. Copying the website index.html file into the target/ directory.
  2. Compiling the resources in your project, so that their compiled_code will be included in manifest.json.
  3. Running queries against database metadata to produce the catalog.json file, which contains metadata about the tables and views produced by the models in your project.


dbt docs generate

Use the --select argument to limit the nodes included within catalog.json. When this flag is provided, step (3) will be restricted to the selected nodes. All other nodes will be excluded. Step (2) is unaffected.


dbt docs generate --select +orders

Use the --no-compile argument to skip re-compilation. When this flag is provided, dbt docs generate will skip step (2) described above.


dbt docs generate --no-compile

Use the --empty-catalog argument to skip running the database queries to populate catalog.json. When this flag is provided, dbt docs generate will skip step (3) described above.

This is not recommended for production environments, as it means that your documentation will be missing information gleaned from database metadata (the full set of columns in each table, and statistics about those tables). It can speed up docs generate in development, when you just want to visualize lineage and other information defined within your project. To learn how to build your documentation in dbt Cloud, refer to build your docs in dbt Cloud.


dbt docs generate --empty-catalog


Use the --static flag to generate the docs as a static page for hosting on a cloud storage provider. The catalog.json and manifest.json files will be inserted into the index.html file, creating a single page easily shared via email or file-sharing apps.

dbt docs generate --static

dbt docs serve

This command starts a webserver on port 8080 to serve your documentation locally and opens the documentation site in your default browser. The webserver is rooted in your target/ directory. Be sure to run dbt docs generate before dbt docs serve because the generate command produces a catalog metadata artifact that the serve command depends upon. You will see an error message if the catalog is missing.

Use the dbt docs serve command if you're developing locally with the dbt Cloud CLI or dbt Core. The dbt Cloud IDE doesn't support this command.


You may specify a different port using the --port flag.


dbt docs serve --port 8001